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Susan Satori &
The Sensory Life

An Oasis of Healing in the Heart of Whispering Palms
Rancho Santa Fe, California

Call/Text Today: (858) 353-5560

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“That was INCREDIBLE...
one of the most unique
experiences I've ever had!...
Thank you Suki!"

Jodie Foster

Call/Text Today: (858) 353-5560


Swedish or Relaxation Massage


Swedish massage is what most people mean when they talk about the general term massage. It is one of the most relaxing types of massage to receive as it works over the whole body. The general techniques are gliding, kneading, tapping, and vibrating or shaking; used on different muscles in the body depending on the desired result.

A Swedish massage therapist can target specific areas to work out the kinks or you can have a full body treatment. To enhance the relaxing nature of the experience your session can include aromatherapy. The human body reacts to pleasant scents; the nose relays messages to the brain and tells the body to relax and be comfortable. Using natural essential oils to fill the air combined with the process of incorporating them into massage oil improves breathing and the ability to escape your troubles for the duration of the therapy.

Another addition to the session which Suki & The Sensory Life offers its clients is hot stone massage. Special finely polished basalt stones (or lava rocks) are water heated and applied directly to the body to relax the muscles, creating a warming experience that is kneaded into the entire body.

Not sure what type of Swedish massage to receive? Come into Suki & The Sensory Life for a free consultation and we will help you find the perfect therapy for your needs.

Deep Tissue Massage


Deep tissue massage is often confused with deep pressure massage. Deep pressure massage means a constant, strong pressure throughout the session. Deep tissue massage can indeed have a significant amount of pressure behind certain techniques but deep tissue always has a goal. It is used on ailments like chronic pain, recovery from injuries, limited mobility, postural problems and muscle tension or spasm, among others.

Deep tissue massage will start off light to relax the surface muscles so that the masseuse can eventually get to the muscles underneath (hence deep tissue). Many of the physical issues we have after receiving an injury or strain affects all the muscles in the area. This is why a masseuse has to get to all the muscles to get all the kinks out.

As the massage is meant to get down deep into the problematic area it is common that the client will be bit sore for a day or two afterwards. This is because massage is something of a passive workout. The muscles are being worked and if they are not used to being manipulated then they will get sore just like an average physical work out.

Even though deep tissue massage is commonly thought of as a, ‘no pain, no gain’ type of massage, that is not actually the case. If you ever feel that the therapist is applying too much pressure, tell them right away. At Suki & The Sensory Life we are here to make you feel better but also to make your whole experience a pleasant one.



The ancient art of acupressure is a 5000 year old tradition originating in Asia. The idea behind the technique is that there are points on the body which can be activated to promote healing.

These points are found on every part of the body and can be used to:

  • Boost the Immune System
  • Release Tension
  • Increase Circulation
  • Relieve Stress

Acupressure is similar to acupuncture in that they use the same points of reference to heal the body. However, acupuncture utilizes needles to activate the points where acupressure used light to firm pressure with the therapist’s fingers, hands and arms. The pressure points are found along the meridian pathways of the body. Meridian pathways are found in every animal as they are the channels of our life force. These channels, according to ancient Asian traditions, govern the proper functioning of the nervous, digestive, endocrine, vascular, lymphatic, and reproductive systems. Blockages in these channels are harmful to the proper functioning and maintenance of the body and it takes an individual trained in the art to reopen these pathways.

Visit Suki & The Sensory Life to see just how effective this ancient therapy is and all the benefits it has to offer.



Reflexology is the activation of specific points on the hands and feet to promote the proper functioning of the body. The idea behind reflexology is that the hands and feet are like condensed maps of the rest of the body; the head, torso, organs, legs and arms are all directly connected to specific areas of the hands and feet. By applying pressure to the areas which correspond to each other, other parts of the body are affected. For instance, using particular pressure massages on the tips of the fingers can relieve head and sinus problems. A trained professional in reflexology can even pinpoint issues in the body by feeling the tension in your hands and feet.

Suki & The Sensory Life has reflexologists with many years of experience and our other therapists have often been astounded by all the positive effects reflexology has for our patients. Come and make an appointment with our reflexologists today.

Reiki Healing


Reiki Healing, also known as palm healing, is a Japanese healing technique which focuses on balancing the energy in a body. The theory behind the practice is quite complex, as it focuses not only on the health of the body but equally the mind and spirit as well. Reiki utilizes not only the energy meridians in the body, as with acupressure and cupping therapy, but also focuses on the 7 chakra, 7 areas running along the center of the body corresponding to different nerve bundles and glands in the body./p>

The reputed benefits of Reiki healing are manifold:

  • Creates deep relaxation and aids the body to release stress and tension
  • Accelerates the bodies’ self-healing abilities
  • Facilitates better sleep
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Helps with acute injuries and chronic problems
  • Aides in the breaking of addictions
  • Helps relieve pain
  • Assists the body in cleaning itself from toxins
  • And much more

A healthy form of skepticism is a normal reaction for westerners when first confronting the idea of Reiki healing. Suki & The Sensory Life has had a practicing Reiki master for over 22 years and our customers have had many positive and even life changing experiences once treatment is done. We welcome the people of Del Mar to come by our center and experience the benefits of Reiki healing first hand.

Lomi Lomi


Lomi lomi is a traditional Hawaiian massage that uses long, connective strokes to soothe and restore the body and mind. It is also known as the 'loving hands’ massage as it is offered mindfully, incorporating elements of prayer, breathing and dance. The long, continuous strokes of the massage are designed to help the body let go of its old patterns and behaviors, as Lomi lomi works from the belief that memories are stored not only in the brain, but also in every cell of the human body.

'Lomi lomi' translates to 'rub rub' in Hawaiian, and reflects the broad, flowing strokes made with the therapist's fingers, thumbs, palms, arms and elbows. Macadamia, palm and coconut oils are often used to nourish the skin and enable the strokes to maintain the cleanest glide.

What is lomi lomi massage good for?

Lomi lomi aims to treat the body and mind as one whole being.

It is thought to:

  • release tension
  • assist blood and lymph flow
  • eliminate waste and stimulate toxins
  • rejuvenate the body
  • promote a coherent connection between head and heart
  • instil a sense of peace, harmony and wellbeing