Sending Light
When we think of loved ones we often pray for them, wishing them health, wealth, safety and love… and all things Good. Sending Light is literally a way of sending “All Things Good” — by way of imaginal Light Beams… into their lives. The simple sending of Light - is a generous moment in Time, between you and your recipient. Light, once again, is Intelligent. It is Love. It is God. So offering Light to another is a way of sending Grace to all you know and love, even the stranger on the street.
Practice breathing light in…. into your lungs… into your heart…. and then send it out through your breath and your outstretched hands to your loved one…. Notice what you Feel, as you connect with the Light of Truth.
Sending Light to ones we have disagreements with, or are in a state of disharmony with, can be tremendously healing. Play with it… and create your own way of Sending Light!”