Breathing Light
We live in a time of tremendous chaos and confusion and it is in times such as these when “pulling the rabbit out of hat” is a good thing indeed! Many folks are searching ancient traditions to find “new” tools and resources, and “breathing light” is no exception. An ancient Egyptian alchemical practice (as well as an ancient Taoist practice) breathing light through the portal of the imagination, is a wonderful art and science all its own.
Light itself is a very pure form of “chi”, or life force energy— and using the window of the imagination to pull light into the cells of the body and internal organs is a powerful and pleasing practice to the senses… offering greater immunity, strength, vitality, inspiration, joy, clarity and peace. Over time, Breathing Light can literally help you feel stronger. You are a TITAN!
Take your time with these processes… they are simple… gentle… loving…. and fun! So enjoy!
Exercise #1
Begin by Opening an imaginary Window in the top of your head…. and breathing down wide, spacious, blue sky. Feel your body opening to the spaciousness…. feeling greater calm and centeredness. Imagine a brilliant golden sun sitting in the center of that blue sky above you, and breathing, with every inhale, the most scintillating golden rays of sunlight down through the top of your head…. like a pillar of light is enfolding you… and breath it down and in and through your entire form. Notice where the light goes… where it is called to travel in your body.It is its own Intelligence, and will "fill your cup” in all the right ways. Enjoy!
Exercise #2
As you are breathing this light…. notice how you feel… this beautiful golden light entering every part of you…. streaming through every channel in your body. Now…. imagine you are opening your senses into more of an inter-dimensional space. Imagine you are connecting with the Realms of Light (not necessary to know what it is, just be open to the process, if your willing) and notice what happens in your mind’s eye. Imagine various colored rays streaming into your field, into your consciousness… into your heart… into your body. And again, notice how you feel.