Soul Support
with Suki
$100/hr - by Phone, Zoom, or In Person
Intuitive Readings & Spiritual Counseling
As one of the original psychic readers for The Psychic Friends Network (the first 1-900 psychic hotline in America in the early 1990s), Suki became well-versed in giving intuitive readings and guidance. She specializes in helping you discover latent skills developed over the course lifetimes, leading to unleashing your soul’s purpose here and now, health and wellness guidance, embodiment guidance, and living an authentically empowered life. As a clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsenticent, Suki is a Sensitive who has a warmth all her own, who values you impeccably and will not let your time together go to waste!
Intuitive Life Coaching
Ever wish you had someone to talk to on a regular basis… a solid individual who could be a part of your team in helping you become the very best version of yourself possible, both personally and professionally? Suki has counseled and mentored across the globe and honors your unique path in Becoming all you were meant to Be. As a friend, Spiritual Coach, and Truth Seeker herself, her guidance is sound and steady, cosmic and wise, practical and universal. Most of all, she has learned to practice what she preaches with humility and humor after a 20 yr sojourn through illness and hard knocks, and will always delight in Reminding you Who you Really Are.
Magi Creative Consulting
Are you an entrepreneur who is experiencing set backs of energy, inefficiency in your businesses or perhaps you are trying to get a project off the ground? Have you ever desired an Oracle, Magi or Magician to help your business or project gain clarity & momentum? Suki is a Visionary and Creative Project Consultant of an intuitive brand and is here to help you see your creative vision Birth On Earth. She can “see” through the obstacles to what is wanting to be birthed through you and how to elegantly bring it into form. In person, Zoom, phone or FaceTime.
Call today to book your appointment: (858) 353-5560